Certified PLC courses



Companies that have benefited from our courses


PLC programming

Every machine found in an industrial plant contains a programmable logic controller known as a PLC (or SPS in German). With it, specific tasks and functionalities can be implemented. Changing these functionalities or extending them can be done quickly yet easily. Which hardware family of the Siemens SIMATIC family was used depended on the year of manufacture of the machine in question. On the other hand, which programming language was used was determined by the complexity of the machine and the skills of the programmer. It is worth knowing that some machine tasks are easier to write in a specific language. I have prepared such a video course for you, which is suitable no matter what you want to deal with in the future or which PLC you want to get to know better.




Original price was: 22.67 €.Current price is: 18.09 €.



TIA Portal

Original price was: 114.27 €.Current price is: 11.22 €.

The lowest price ( 26 January 2025 ): 338.05 
TIA Portal

91.37 95.95 

TIA Portal

Original price was: 113.36 €.Current price is: 11.22 €.

The lowest price ( 13 January 2025 ): 338.05 

HMI (Human Machine Interface) visualisation

Parameterisation of the machine involves entering the relevant numbers. An HMI (Human Machine Interface) panel is most often used for this purpose. This device resembles a tablet in shape, only in an industrial design. It used to be a display with a large number of buttons. On the so-called Visualisation, it is possible to indicate the number of workpieces produced and check the current process values. This is another part of the industrial automation project (just after programming the PLC).

TIA Portal

Original price was: 274.57 €.Current price is: 182.97 €.

TIA Portal

91.37 95.95 

TIA Portal



Industrial communication

The more complex the machine, the more devices there are in it. Currently, the exchange between devices (mainly PLCs) takes place via industrial industrial interfaces. Today, this is PROFINET (industrial ethernet) on a TCP/IP basis, but PROFIBUS (based on RS-485) can often be encountered. In addition, MODBUS, CAN, AS-i PROFISAFE networks are encountered in industrial applications. Hardware or software solutions are used to transmit information.

TIA Portal



Industrial diagnostics

The machine may stop for various reasons or break down. Whatever the situation, the cause should be found immediately. One way to speed this up is to be able to check the CPU diagnostic buffer or module. When this is not enough to solve the problem, then you need to look in the program code and perform an analysis. This course will introduce you to techniques for quickly finding the cause of an unforeseen machine stoppage and show you how to do it step-by-step.

TIA Portal




A machine must fulfil certain technological functionality (to perform a certain process), this is the basis. To be able to realise this, it must meet certain safety standards. In a word, it must be safe. It is then CE-marked and put into service. Safety can be realised via a fail safe PLC. This is an extended CPU unit with both hardware (connection of F-marked modules) and software capabilities. How to configure the hardware? How to program the most common safety components in the F-CPU? What should a PLC programmer know about standards? You will learn all this and find the answers to the above questions in this video course.

TIA Portal


TIA Portal

109.69 114.27 


Drive technology

The most common solution used in an industrial application is the use of a motor. However, the on/off function does not allow the speed to be varied according to the conditions encountered, e.g. the type of products. The appropriate tool then is a frequency converter, the so-called 'inverter'. This video course will provide you with the knowledge of how to configure this device yourself, so that the drive performs its intended tasks correctly. Nothing related to the Siemens SINAMICS family will be a mystery to you... after these courses.

TIA Portal

109.69 114.27 

TIA Portal

109.69 114.27 

Is PLC programming for you? Check it out with our free video course

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If you are involved in automation (student/student/employee) then knowing the basics of programming will definitely be a valuable asset. Take the first step with this course


Why choose our offer?

Programming We have been on the market since 2015 Over our 7+ years in the market, we are committed to helping automation and software developers (both beginners and more advanced) with their operations. Our work and conversations at sites help us to develop products and supplement them with up-to-date information.
Programming Practice and experience The material included in the course (over 85%) is exercise and practice. Different types of instructions and functionalities are presented on a task basis. You will find discussion of problems and situations from industrial applications and learn how to solve them. An important issue covered is program structures, a kind of recipe of what program code should contain. You will learn how to combine the instructions you have learnt and write logic in such a way that everything works as you expect (i.e. as designed).
Programming Comprehensive customer service If you have any questions or problems, we are here to help. You will find answers to common issues on the FAQ section of the website. If you need anything more call or write, we will help and advise.
Programming Attractive product prices The course prices are tailor-made, they are within everyone's price range. You will find packages where the price of a particular course becomes even more attractive.
Programming Knowledge from the practitioner You will gain concrete knowledge from a practitioner who has gained experience by programming various industrial machines. You won't have to waste any more time looking for answers on how to solve a problem or how to combine instructions. In the course, you will receive practical tips on how to do this optimally.
Programming Experience with the most popular applications Most manufacturing plants and factories have typical machines and applications, including wrappers, packers, palletisers and conveyor systems. By reaching out to this course you will learn and explore how to program and run them.
Programming Good programming practices When creating a project and writing programme code, you must remember that, in addition to the final working application, the readability of the entire concept is important. As a rule, you have to return to the project to modify it or extend it with new functionality. It is fundamental that, irrespective of the person who will be doing it, the flow is smooth and the whole thing is understandable and clear. To achieve this, it is important to remember and pay attention to key issues, such as naming. You will learn all about this in these courses.
Programming Additional tasks You will gain experience by completing as many tasks as possible. In the courses, you will find plenty of exercises to solve on your own. The assignments summarise a particular section of the material discussing a particular instruction.
icon info06 Preparation for teamwork The larger the project, the larger the group of developers involved. The most important issues then are the division of tasks and the preparation of the project structure. You need answers to many questions, such as how to implement an algorithm in program code. Completing this course will help you prepare for your work as a PLC programmer and find the information and examples you need to do this.
icon info06 You'll feel like you're in a real factory Learning doesn't have to be just about the set-top boxes, lamps and your imaginations. If you are just starting to program then you will have a difficult time with complex tasks, such as mapping a process and a sequence of sensor changes. The Factory IO tool used in the course, the so-called virtual factory, will allow you to practice writing programme code. You can check the finished code to see if it works as intended, i.e. as if you were on a real object. If problems arise , just click reset and start again from the beginning. This will further help you to gain confidence in your own abilities before working on a real object.
icon info06 Lifetime access to courses With no time limits or restrictions on the number of views, you get lifetime access to the course. You can access the course at any time to replay the information and refresh your knowledge.
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certificate 2
certificate 1

and certificate

If, after 14 days of purchase, you find that it is not for you, I will refund 100% of the course price. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in two languages - Polish and English.

certificate 1

Feedback from students

2 Stanislaw Stanislaw

What sets this course apart is the opportunity to acquire practical, concrete knowledge. Everything is clearly explained. Definitely recommended!

3 Marcel Marcel

After going through the course, I know what the components of the programming environment are and what to do step by step. Now I feel confident and know what I am doing

1 Leon Leon

Course delivered in a very accessible way. Contains a lot of interesting and useful information.

2 Michal Michael

I can honestly recommend the course. It is solid and factual knowledge. I will definitely be buying more.

3 Victor Victor

Thanks to the course, I have decided to go further in this direction. The goal is to look for a more challenging and better job

1 Peter Peter

The course prepared by Mr Tomasz is distinguished by its high level of content and meticulously prepared lessons. They are planned in a clear and sensible manner, making it easier to assimilate knowledge and return to the material if necessary. An additional advantage is the possibility of a free consultation.

2 Nicodemus Nikodem

Definitely recommended! The facts themselves, no unnecessary dwelling on issues.

1 Ignatius Ignatius

This is my first course, certainly not my last. I am impressed with the substantive quality of the knowledge.

2 Tymon Tymon

Everything clearly explained, you can really learn a lot. Lots of practical information and examples to help you remember everything. In my opinion, it is worth using this form of learning because you can learn anytime and anywhere. It is practical and convenient.


Frequently asked questions

  • Has my course package been dispatched yet?
    Firstly, wait 15 minutes after paying for your order in the case of fast payments (bank transfer, card, blik). The system needs time to credit the money and send an email to the logistics department (as well as to you) about the current status of the order. This usually takes up to 15 minutes. Packages are dispatched up to 24 hours. You will receive an email that your order has been processed. In this email there is also the delivery note number. If you still haven't received an email about the status of your order, please check the SPAM/OFERTS/NEWSLETTER folder and other folders in your mailbox. From our observations, in 99% cases that is where, you will find the message if you do not see them in your mail.
  • I have not received an invoice (purchase document)
    Firstly, wait 15 minutes after paying for your order in the case of a fast payment (bank transfer, card, blik) and up to 2 working days in the case of a traditional payment by bank transfer. The system needs time to credit the money and send you an email with your purchase document . This usually takes up to 15 minutes. If you still have not received your purchase document check the SPAM/OFERTY/NEWSLETTER folder and other folders in your mailbox. From our observations, 99% of the time, this is where you will find the message if you do not see them in your mail. Still haven't received your purchase document? Write to us stating the date of your order and your e-mail address as stated in this order
  • What course will work best for me?
    Please email me at biuro@plcspace.pl answering the questions: Have you had contact with any programming. If yes, what was it like Have you had any contact with other PLCs? If yes, what were they like Do you want to do retrofits and integrations or more new machines What do you do now?
  • I did not receive the online version of the course. How do I collect it?
    Firstly, wait 15 minutes after paying for your order in the case of a fast payment (bank transfer, card, blik) and up to 2 working days in the case of a traditional payment by bank transfer. The system needs time to credit the money and send you an email with access to the course. This usually takes up to 15 minutes. If you still have not received the product, check the SPAM/OFERTY/NEWSLETTER folder and other folders in your mailbox. From our observations, 99% of the time, this is where you will find the message if you don't see them in your mail. Still haven't received your course? Write to us stating the date of your order and your e-mail address as stated in this order
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Remember. Programming is simpler than you think!

Tomasz gilewski
Author of courses
Tomasz Gilewski
SIMATIC S7 in action
Kurs "SIMATIC S7 w akcji" to doskonałe szkolenie dla osób, które chcą rozpocząć swoją przygodę z programowaniem sterowników PLC Siemens SIMATIC S7-1200. Skierowany do początkujących, kurs oferuje ponad 8 godzin nagrań wideo w jakości HD, które są dostępne online bez ograniczeń czasowych. Uczestnicy poznają podstawy automatyki przemysłowej, instalacji sprzętu, oraz programowania w języku drabinkowym LAD, z wykorzystaniem oprogramowania TIA Portal. Kurs obejmuje również praktyczne projekty oraz możliwość testowania napisanych kodów w wirtualnym środowisku przemysłowym Factory IO. Po ukończeniu kursu otrzymasz certyfikat w języku polskim i angielskim. Całość prowadzona jest przez doświadczonego eksperta Tomasza Gilewskiego. Kurs jest dostępny bezpłatnie i idealnie nadaje się zarówno dla studentów, jak i profesjonalistów w dziedzinie automatyki.
I want to become a PLC programmer - intro
Kurs online "Chcę zostać programistą PLC – intro" to doskonałe wprowadzenie dla osób, które chcą nauczyć się programowania sterowników PLC Siemens S7-1200. Kurs obejmuje 12 godzin nagrań w jakości HD, które prowadzą uczestników krok po kroku przez proces konfiguracji i programowania w środowisku TIA Portal. Oprócz teoretycznych podstaw, kurs zawiera praktyczne projekty, takie jak tworzenie sekwencji sygnałów czy programowanie przenośników, co pozwala na zdobycie cennych umiejętności praktycznych. Kurs dostępny jest online, na DVD oraz pendrive, a po jego ukończeniu uczestnicy otrzymują certyfikat w języku polskim i angielskim. Jest to idealne rozwiązanie dla początkujących, którzy chcą rozpocząć karierę w automatyce przemysłowej.
I want to become a PLC programmer
Kurs "Chcę zostać programistą PLC" to podstawowe szkolenie, które wprowadza uczestników w programowanie sterowników Siemens Simatic S7-1200 przy użyciu środowiska TIA Portal. Kurs obejmuje ponad 28 godzin nagrań wideo w jakości HD, podczas których uczestnicy uczą się instalacji i konfiguracji oprogramowania, tworzenia i modyfikowania programów PLC w języku drabinkowym (LAD) oraz diagnostyki i wizualizacji za pomocą paneli HMI. Kurs dostępny jest online, na DVD oraz pendrive, a po jego ukończeniu uczestnicy otrzymują certyfikat w języku polskim i angielskim. To doskonały start dla osób chcących rozpocząć karierę w automatyce przemysłowej.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Chcę zostać programistą PLC – Zaawansowany
Kurs "Chcę zostać programistą PLC – Zaawansowany" jest zaawansowanym szkoleniem, które rozwija umiejętności programowania sterowników Siemens Simatic S7-1200 w środowisku TIA Portal. Składa się z ponad 21 godzin nagrań wideo w wysokiej jakości HD, które prowadzi Tomasz Gilewski. Kurs obejmuje zaawansowane tematy takie jak konfiguracja sieci PROFINET, obsługa wejść i wyjść analogowych, konfiguracja serwera WWW oraz diagnostyka i regulacja PID. Uczestnicy będą pracować z rzeczywistymi modułami PLC oraz symulatorem Factory I/O, co umożliwia praktyczne testowanie i diagnozowanie programów. Kurs jest dostępny w formatach online, DVD i pendrive, co zapewnia elastyczność nauki. Po ukończeniu kursu uczestnicy zdobędą certyfikat i umiejętności niezbędne do efektywnej pracy w automatyce przemysłowej.
Thursday, August 27, 2020