Think differently - program the PLC

TIA Portal

91.37 â‚¬

Course leader
Tomasz Gilewski
Duration 19h
Format Online, Flash Drive
VAT invoice Yes
Proforma order Yes
Shipping abroad Available
Online delivery Immediately
Payment in different currencies Available

What do you get when you enrol on an industrial automation programming course?

Don't be afraid that you will be saddled with complex knowledge that will take you months to master. Nothing could be further from the truth! This course is designed to familiarise you with the basics of PLC. As part of the training, you will be provided with ready-to-use materials that you can refer back to whenever you feel the need to brush up on particular topics. We offer you:

With more than 19 hours of high-quality video recordings, you can watch PLC training indefinitely, consolidating your knowledge or looking for an independent solution to a problem.
Projects in the TIA Portal environment, carried out during the course - through these you will become familiar with the full functionality of the TIA Portal platform and gain a large dose of solid knowledge of Siemens PLC modules.

Think differently - Program PLC. Siemens S7-300 PLC programming basics, entry level - TIA Portal

Siemens Simatic PLCs are a staple in any industry where machine automation is used. This course is dedicated to a particularly important module family - the Simatic S7-300. This is one of the most popular modules for stand-alone programming. It is distinguished by its high flexibility and modularity and is suitable for the design of stand-alone and distributed systems.

Our PLC course will enable you to master the basics of programming Siemens controllers, even if you have not dealt with them before. Siemens controllers from the S-300 family are so popular that you will find them in the automotive, machinery, food and chemical industries. They are used in building automation systems as well as process engineering and plastics processing. Siemens Simatic S7 is the future of modern automation!

If you have a technical background and dream of working as an automation engineer, but have never had to deal with Siemens Simatic PLC programming, you've come to the right place! After our PLC and HMI programming course, you'll surprise your employer with knowledge that you don't just get from reading academic textbooks.

What is the Simatic PLC programming course about?

The entire PLC training course is designed to explain to you the given topic from the very beginning to the intermediate level. The topics we cover during the training will be useful in any profession where you will come into contact with industrial programming. We have provided you with a large dose of theoretical and practical knowledge about the S7-300 CPU. Why this Siemens PLC family? The structure of the S7-300 controller stands out:

  • access to Profibus and Profinet communication interfaces;
  • an external MMC card and a maintenance-free CPU that does not require battery power;
  • can be combined with Safety Integrated technology;
  • SIPLUS technology, which provides resistance to low and high temperatures and harsh environmental conditions.

In combination with the TIA Portal software, it creates a very powerful programming environment. Programming the operation of the Siemens Simatic S7-300 controller is possible in LAD and SCL ladder language, but for programming training you will master the former. In practice, it is used in 90% situations and is extremely accessible to beginners.

The course is taught using the Sorting by Height (Advanced) application, which will take you into a virtual factory. You will prepare a simulator of a pallet product sorter against height.

Siemens S7-300 PLC programming is convenient as it does not require you to purchase any additional software or hardware.

You will be solving all your problems in the TIA Portal v. 15.1 environment, which is just for controlling Siemens modules. You can download it for free from the manufacturer's website and the software will retain full functionality for 21 days. This is far more than you need to complete the PLC basic course.

If you have an older or newer version of the TIA Portal environment, you will also be able to do this training. The course programme also includes learning to program on the PLCsim simulator, which replicates the operation of the S7-300 controller.

Find out that programming PLC logic controllers in the LAD language is not as difficult as it seems, and you can master it without paging through thick books. See what a great hands-on course looks like, after which you will get your dream job and increase your qualifications.

Knowledge test:

Is this course for you? Take this test MULTIPLE choice to check it out.

Key information about the course

Interesting additional issues

Have you already checked the table of contents of our training? Be sure to do so! We offer you a wealth of knowledge ready to be put into practice, including many topics you have certainly never encountered before.

Preparation for teamwork

We want you to feel comfortable after our course as a professional who is part of a team. We will make you capable of finding your way in both a small group of individuals and a large company that relies on reliable and proven solutions.

You will learn the most common mistakes in PLC programming

Surely you have heard more than once that it is best to learn from other people's mistakes. This is true, but it's even better simply not to make them. We will show you how to avoid common mistakes and stumbling blocks.

Feel like a real automation specialist

Our course is the perfect combination of theory and practice. You can test all the solutions in the Factory I/O application, which simulates the operation of a real factory. Train now to show what you are capable of at work.

You learn from the best

We are happy to share our knowledge and experience. Many years of practice and participation in large projects allow us to teach beginners effective PLC programming practices.

Gain knowledge of programming Simatic controllers. Find out why you should work with PLCSpace!

You will find many a Simatic machine automation and PLC tutorial on the market, but our training is a whole different level. What can a programming course look like that is easily accessible, understandable and based primarily on practice?

Our course will run on any platform You can get to grips with the material provided whether you are using Windows 7, 8.1 or 10. It will work just as smoothly on any operating system, so you don't need to buy a new computer.
You do not need to buy any additional equipment The course is conducted on a CPU simulator, which allows the individual actions to be visualised and reproduced step by step.
You don't spend money on software All exercises are based on the TIA Portal platform, which you can download and use free of charge for 3 weeks. This is much longer than you need to complete this course.
You work in peace and quiet You create your own workstation and learn about the issues on your own, without a group to distract and distract you. Focus on learning and get the most out of it!
You gain practical knowledge You learn to program with the Siemens S7-300 PLC, a versatile module that is used in automation designed for many different industries.
You become flexible You learn to program PLCs in the LAD language, which allows you to write code of any level of sophistication, from simple to complex, ready for use in large projects.
You only focus on absorbing knowledge Our course is delivered in a convenient online format, and you gain unlimited access to the learning materials and review them whenever you want. You will return to them with pleasure, we promise!
You learn how to create layouts in practice During the training course, you will gain specific knowledge of how to connect and configure an HMI.During the training course, you will gain specific knowledge of how to connect and configure an HMI.
You work with the application in a "real" factory Software Factory IO takes you into a virtual factory where you test the performance of individual Siemens Simatic S7 PLCs in real time. See with your own eyes what an automation programmer's job is like and learn about the challenges he or she faces on a daily basis.

Sample lesson / What you will do after the course

What is the S7-300 PLC programming training course like?

Our Siemens Simatic S7-300 PLC training consists of 6 parts, each of which is dedicated to different blocks of topics. You will learn how to control PLC modules and use them in your daily work to improve the functioning of your project.

Once you have completed all parts, you will have a working knowledge of logic controller programming that you will use in your daily routines. You will find that you will watch our PLC programming course with curiosity and return to it again and again. Check out the courses on offer today!

Part 1
  • Module 1
    • Discussion of downloading the necessary software
  • Module 2
    • How to install software step by step on Windows 7
      TIA Portal and PLCSIM simulator)
  • Module 3
    • How to install software step by step on Windows 10
      TIA Portal and PLCSIM simulator)
  • Module 4
    • licence activation in TIA Portal
  • Module 5
    • About the course author
  • Module 6
    • Practices of good programming
  • Module 7
    • Installation of the virtual factory software - Factory IO
Part 2
  • Module 1 - SIEMENS SIMATIC S7 system
    • SIMATIC S7 PLC families from SIEMENS
    • Modules and their functions
    • CPUs of the S7-300 family
    • CPU parameters
    • Use of signal modules
    • Ways of connecting signals to I/O modules
    • Hardware configuration of the S7-300 families
    • LED indication on the CPU panel
    • System components of the S7-300 PLC family
  • Module 2 - Programmer (PC)
    • Programmers and the rationale for their use
    • Programmer communication capabilities (Interface types
      for the programmer)
    • Software needed to operate the controller
    • TIA PORTAL - Development environment
    • Online access and accessible devices property
  • Module 3 - First project for a real PLC
    • Realisation of the control system on a PLC - presentation of the stages
    • Example of program writing in LAD language
    • Discussing the creation of a new project
    • Addition of stations
    • Adding modules
    • CPU characteristics
    • First steps with programme development - overview
    • Creation of a programme in the LAD language
    • Symbolic names - PLC tags
    • Compilation and transfer to the actual PLC
    • Online preview of programme execution by CPU
  • Module 4 - First project for virtual PLC
    • Creation of the project
    • Addition of stations
    • Creation of a programme in the LAD language
    • Symbolic names - PLC tags
    • Compilation and transfer to the virtual PLC
    • Online preview of programme execution by CPU
Part 3
  • Module 1 - PLC operating principle
    • CPU principle of program code execution
    • Overview of the CPU duty cycle
    • Operating modes the CPU can be in
    • Representation of binary operations
    • Storage of binary operations in program code
  • Module 2 - Systems with backup (memory)
    • Ways of implementing memory backup
    • SR and RS blocks
    • Available instructions for detecting signal edges
    • Edge detection for digital signals
  • Module 3 - Dividing applications into tasks
    • Available programme code layout structures - comparison
    • Blocks available in the TIA Portal for the CPU
    • Example of a structured and linear programme
    • Adding a new block to the project
    • Discussion of block calling in program code
    • Creation of function parameters in the interface section
    • Ways of using function parameters inside a block
      when writing the code
    • Demonstration of the possibility of changing the call interface
      the block and its effects
    • Project structure preview - Programme Info
  • Module 4 - Sorting application - Part 1
    • Overview
    • Project preparation
Part 4
  • Module 1 - Storage of information in the PLC
    • Types of information processed by the CPU
    • Presentation of available variable types
    • Bit, byte, word and double word - relationships
    • Number systems
    • Monitoring of variables in the Watch table
    • Modification of variables in the Watch table
    • Available number formats for the display of variable values
  • Module 2 - Sorting application - Part 2
    • Writing programme code
Part 5
  • Module 1 - Counting events
    • Counting functions available in TIA PORTAL for S7-300
    • Comparison instructions available in TIA PORTAL for S7-300
    • Example of the use of comparison operations in programme code
    • MOVE instruction - transferring data between
      memory areas
    • Discussion of the use of MOVE operations - example
  • Module 2 - Arithmetic
    • Representation of arithmetic operations
    • Recording and operation of arithmetic operations
    • Example
    • Available data type conversions
  • Module 3 - Project archiving from the PLC
    • Detection of network interface settings
    • Station backup
    • rchiving the project
    • Unpacking the project
  • Module 4 - Timing systems
    • Delay functions
    • Recording of the time block in the programme code
    • Overview of the S5Time time format
    • Comparison of timelines - summary graphs
Part 6
  • Module 1 - Visualisation
    • Step7 v5.5 SP3 installation under Windows 7
    • Data exchange between touch panel and CPU
    • Adaptation of the S7 programme
    • Addition of HMI
    • WinCC configuration interface
    • Buttons and input/output fields
    • Configuring the IP address of the HMI
    • Configuring the connection between the HMI and the CPU
    • Combining the HMI and CPU into a single subnetwork
    • Configuration of the HMI connection to the CPU
    • List of addresses of individual devices
    • Settings for loading the project
    • IP address assignment
    • Uploading the hardware configuration to the HMI
    • Initial requirements
    • Uploading the hardware configuration to the HMI
    • Introduction to configuration
    • Navigation sections
    • I/O field for reading and entering values
    • Calling a function using the button
19h Knowledge hours
15 Course modules
649 Satisfied students

Software and hardware used

CPU S7-300

It comes in classic and et200s housing. it is currently the most popular and frequently used in industry. It can be seen in almost every industrial plant. It has the best performance-to-price ratio. It is very efficient, making it easy to carry out complex automation tasks,

TIA Portal software

Totally integrated automation is a development environment that combines PLC (programming), HMI(visualisation) and startdrive(drive technology).

Factory IO

Typical machine scenarios can be run in Factory IO, and the virtual factory connects to the SIM PLC simulator (or the actual PLC. Programming of the controller is possible in the programming environment (depending on the PLC family), and insight into its operation is available during the online connection

What will you be able to do after completing the course?

After completing our course, you will find employment in a wide range of occupations. The knowledge you gain will enable you to choose from a wide range of vacancies. The following are just a few examples of the industries you can pursue.

Process automation officer The knowledge of PLC programming gained through the course will enable you to design and implement solutions in the field of industrial mechanics.
PLC programmer With knowledge of the various modules, their functioning and interdependencies, you will be able to configure any of them.
Sales Engineer Extensive knowledge of the equipment will allow you to easily select solutions that satisfy your company's customers and even control the configuration of the modules yourself.
Product manager You will achieve excellent sales results thanks to your knowledge of the products, their functions and the links between them, which you will directly translate into the number of orders and their comprehensive service.

What employers value is not so much raw theoretical knowledge, but how well you are able to apply it in practice. Our course focuses on just that - with the ready-made solutions we have prepared for you, you will find it much easier to navigate the job market than someone whose only asset is knowledge of dry, learned rules. Previous experience with programming is not necessary to become an expert!

and certificate

If, after 14 days of purchase, you find that it is not for you, I will refund 100% of the course price. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate in two languages - Polish and English.

Frequently asked questions

  • Will I receive a confirmation after my purchase?

    Yes, you receive an email. Sometimes emails end up in SPAM or other folders. Please check your mailbox carefully.

  • Is there a difference between the media on which the course can be ordered?

    No. The material is the same regardless of the type of storage medium. At the time of purchase, you decide which type of data carrier you choose, i.e. online, DVD or USB.

  • Which PLC programming language should I choose when starting out?

    If you are an electrician then LAD. If there has been any exposure to text-based languages (C, C++, C#, Java, etc) then SCL. If there has been no exposure to any programming at all then the basic course is LAD and SCL (the solution to each task is shown in two languages).

  • Is this course for me if I have never used a PLC?

    Yes. The basic courses are just set up so that people with no exposure to Siemens PLCs can learn such skills. The student is guided step by step (as can also be seen in the course table of contents).

  • What tools are used for consultation?

    Consultations take place via Skype or TeamViever.

  • How do I make an appointment for a consultation?

    Please send an email to with your questions (problems) and suggestions for a convenient date for your consultation (via Skype or Teamviever).

  • How long are the consultations valid?

    This is 60 calendar days from the date of purchase.

  • Can I deliver the course on different computers?

    Yes. The course material (videos) can be viewed on any computer.

  • What does the online version of the course look like?

    You receive the course by email, where there are private links to the videos.

  • What if a problem arises during the course?

    Please email me with a description of the problem at:

  • What is the access time for the course?

    No time limits for any medium (i.e. online, DVD or USB version).

  • Do I need to have any experience with programming?

    No. The basic course gives step-by-step all the information needed from 'scratch'.

  • Will I need to purchase a licence for the Factory IO software?

    No. There is information in the course on how to obtain licences to complete the material.

  • Will I need to purchase a licence for the PLC development environment?

    No. There is information in the course on how to obtain licences to complete the material.

  • Is it possible to return the course?


  • Will I need a PLC to deliver the course?

    No. A real controller is not necessary. The course is designed in such a way that it can also be completed on a virtual controller. It all depends on what the trainee has at their disposal.

  • How do I buy a course?

    Just click Add to basket and complete the form and make payment.

  • When does the course start?

    -> Online version - immediately after payment
    -> Physical version - when you receive the package from the carrier.

Buy as a set and save

Select at least 2 courses from the list and the first free book item (three selections in total) and an automatic discount of 25% will be calculated in your basket.

If you want to find out more about a particular course, click on its name and the page will take you to its offerings.

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Companies that have benefited from our courses

Feedback from students


What sets this course apart is the opportunity to acquire practical, concrete knowledge. Everything is clearly explained. Definitely recommended!


After going through the course, I know what the components of the programming environment are and what to do step by step. Now I feel confident and know what I am doing


Course delivered in a very accessible way. Contains a lot of interesting and useful information.


I can honestly recommend the course. It is solid and factual knowledge. I will definitely be buying more.


Thanks to the course, I have decided to go further in this direction. The goal is to look for a more challenging and better job


The course prepared by Mr Tomasz is distinguished by its high level of content and meticulously prepared lessons. They are planned in a clear and sensible manner, making it easier to assimilate knowledge and return to the material if necessary. An additional advantage is the possibility of a free consultation.


Definitely recommended! The facts themselves, no unnecessary dwelling on issues.


This is my first course, certainly not my last. I am impressed with the substantive quality of the knowledge.


Everything clearly explained, you can really learn a lot. Lots of practical information and examples to help you remember everything. In my opinion, it is worth using this form of learning because you can learn anytime and anywhere. It is practical and convenient.

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Ask a question about the course

Think differently - program the PLC

Tomasz Gilewski
Hello, my name is Tomasz Gilewski. I am the founder of PLCspace, author of books on the S7-1200 controller and HMI panels (i.e. Siemens hardware). I have been programming exclusively on Siemens hardware and engineering tools for several years.
Why Siemens?
- My first project in 2007 was an intersection traffic light based on the LOGO! Programmable Logic Relay. While learning the fundamental principles of the hardware and interface, I noticed the simplicity, intuitiveness and speed of integration for various SIMATIC systems. I noticed deficiencies in the form of functionality when working on controllers from other manufacturers.
- It is well known that Siemens automation equipment is robust and durable. Proof of this can be found in the PLCs of the SIMATIC S5 family from the 1980s, which many factories are still using today. P
In my 14 years of work, I have learnt every checkbox and what it is used for.
 STEP5, STEP7, MicroWin, LogoSoft Comfort, Starter, WinCC flexible, TIA Portal were the most popular Siemens software. I have gained experience by taking
- participation as a programmer, or more like a software engineer, in around 50 application projects for industries such as food, construction, automotiv, texyl, among others.
- Some of these applications were prototypes.I had to adapt to constant changes in design assumptions , which is quite a difficult task for a programmer. Another challenge was
- implementation of multiple software modifications to already running applications, i.e. the need to analyse the programme code after another programmer.
- I have spent very many hours looking for solutions to problems, parameterisation of various functionalities
Education itself.
New versions of engineering tools, firmware and hardware are released periodically. To keep up to date, I participate
- in on-site training at Siemens and its distribution companies
(a) LOGO!
(b) basic and advanced training in SIMATIC S7-300
(c) basic and advanced training in SIMATIC S7-1200
(d) safety training with SIMATIC S7-1500F
(e) visualisation training
- in numerous on-site and online workshops organised by Siemens related to SIMATIC systems.
- reading manuals
Helping others
I have decided to help and share my knowledge and experience with others , especially with those who are taking their first steps in programming. I want to make it easier for them to get to know this world. That is why
- since 2014, I have been running a blog located at where I describe various interesting topics about SIMATIC systems
- in 2015, my first book on the basics of S7-1200 programming in SCL language was published
- In later years I wrote several other books on
a)S7-1200 programming in LAD language
b) visualisation on a SIMATIC HMI panel
Provision of classroom training
I am currently active within the PLCspace company, where, in addition to programming work for new applications or upgrades to existing applications, I am involved in providing classroom training in many cities in Poland (Warsaw, Gdansk, Poznan, Krakow) as well as directly at company headquarters for their employees. Training topics include:
a)programming of SIMATIC S5, S7 systems in any programming language
(b)visualisation, i.e. human-machine interface on HMI basic and comfort panels
(c)diagnostics, i.e. everything maintenance staff need to know to keep machines and lines working properly. If a fault occurs, you will find the cause of the downtime in the shortest possible time
(d) communications, where exercises take place to exchange data over the various communication network standards used in industry
e) safety, which translates as machine and process safety. This training covers the most important standards a programmer should know, as well as the configuration of fail-safe hardware and the exercise of safety functions for handling components (e.g. Safety Mushroom).
f)drive engineering where exercises on parameterisation of frequency converters for motor control are conducted
Training is based on Factory IO
- actual mini lines and have several levels of sophistication.
Video courses
I am the author of several video training courses on:
- s5, s7-300/400 s7-1200/1500 controller programming
- visualisation for the Basic and Comfort panels
- diagnosis of classic systems such as the s7-300/400 and new systems such as the s7-1200/1500
- communication based on the new s7-1200/1500 controllers
- safety using SIMATIC S7-1200F
- Drive technology based on MICROMASTER and SIMATIC V20 frequency converters

CPU S7-300

It comes in classic and et200s housing. it is currently the most popular and frequently used in industry. It can be seen in almost every industrial plant. It has the best performance-to-price ratio. It is very efficient, making it easy to carry out complex automation tasks,

The processors for the S7-300 are available in several versions for different applications. Common to all processors is the range of control functions (operands, tag types, data types, binary logic operations, fixed-point and floating-point arithmetic, etc.). Within the different processor versions, they differ in memory size, operand range and speed processing. A Micro Memory Card (MMC) is required for operation. Highlights:

  • Modular mini PLC system for low and medium performance applications 
  • With a wide range of modules for optimum adaptation to the automation task
  • User-friendly operation and uncomplicated mechanical design
  • Can be expanded seamlessly as tasks increase
  • It has a number of integrated functions

The range of controllers with a standard design from the 'smallest' 312 CPU for applications with moderate processing speed requirements to the 319-3 PN/DP CPU with a huge program memory area and high processing performance for any automation task. Equipped with suitable network interfaces, they can be used for central control of distributed I/O via PROFIBUS and PROFINET. 

The SIMATIC S7-300 is a modern and versatile automation system platform. It enables the construction of both autonomous and distributed control systems using communication networks. 

The available PROFIBUS and Ethernet/PROFINET communication interfaces allow the controllers to be combined into a unified and integrated production control system. 

The S7-300 has a modular design. The extensive range of S7-300 modules allows virtually any control system to be realised in both central and distributed configurations. The order of modules in the controller cassette is arbitrary. 

An external MMC card provides non-volatile programme and data memory for the CPU. The CPU has no battery and is fully maintenance-free. The MMC card allows the source files of the automation system design to be stored together with the technical documentation of the controlled device. 

The MMC card is also used to update the processor's operating system. The card can additionally be used for measurements and for storing recipes. 

The S7-300 can be equipped with specialised technology modules, e.g. for controlling electrical drives, or to control safety systems (Safety Integrated technology).

TIA Portal software

Totally integrated automation is a development environment that combines PLC (programming), HMI(visualisation) and startdrive(drive technology).

The software comes in two versions:
  • basic -> allows programming of S7-1200 family PLCs
  • professional -> allows programming of all CPUs supported by the development environment
It is the successor to the SIMATIC Manager package, which has been well-known since the 1990s.
This allows you to effectively and efficiently create designs for control systems in industrial applications. Key features include:
  • drag & drop functionality for symbols, variables, devices
  • readability and intuitiveness of editors
  • intelligent interface for the automation programmer
  • common symbology and data for each device in the project
  • online diagnostics and testing
It is an intuitive programme, easy to learn and trivial to use while working. It provides the highest level of productivity for the engineer. The TIA Portal tool has been developed by Siemens thanks to its many years of experience in designing industrial automation softwares.

Factory IO

Typical machine scenarios can be run in Factory IO, and the virtual factory connects to the SIM PLC simulator (or the actual PLC. Programming of the controller is possible in the programming environment (depending on the PLC family), and insight into its operation is available during the online connection

The general idea is to collect input data from the machine via the Factory IO program, which is then sent to the PLC. The program in the PLC is then executed and the results (output states) are sent back to Factory IO, which allows actuators(e.g. motors, actuators) to be started. The entire process is monitored in real time by you, allowing you to visualise how well the machine is performing.

  • Factory IO by Real Games is a useful tool for learning PLC programming through factory simulations. It is ideal for participants of the Siemens S7-1200 PLC programming course, as it allows them to practise their skills in a safe environment.
  • With Factory IO, it is possible to simulate various scenarios related to production processes, such as an assembly line, a transport line and many others. The tool also allows the visualisation of the operation of industrial machines and equipment, making it easier to understand the processes taking place in the factory.
  • During the Siemens PLC programming course, participants will have the opportunity to use Factory IO to consolidate their PLC programming knowledge and skills. Through simulations, the trainee will be able to practically apply their knowledge, test different scenarios and solve problems, allowing for more effective and practical teaching.
  • Using Factory IO during a Siemens PLC programming course is an ideal way to develop skills in a safe simulation environment, which will prepare participants to put their knowledge into practice in real industrial projects.

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