Reference project

Basis for reference projects


In addition to the current project, you have the option of opening other projects or local sessions as references. These reference projects can be used as follows:

  • You can drag individual objects from the reference project into the current project and then edit them.
  • You can open specific objects, for example blocks of code from a reference project, as read-only. However, this is not possible for all elements.
  • You can use offline/offline comparison to compare the devices of the reference project with those of the current project.

Please note that reference projects are read-only. Reference project objects cannot be changed. Therefore, pending changes, such as object name changes, cannot be applied to the reference object until the project is opened as a normal project. Once the changes have been applied, you can continue to use the project as a reference project.

Projects created with an older version of TIA Portal or from another installation package can also be opened as reference projects. The same compatibility rules apply here as when normally opening a project from an older version of TIA Portal. Project archives can also be opened as reference projects.

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Opening and closing the reference project


You can open projects and locally saved sessions as reference projects.

Opening the reference project

To open the reference project, follow these steps:

  • W menu „Widok” zaznacz pole wyboru „Projekty referencyjne”.

    W drzewie projektu wyświetlona zostanie paleta „Projekty referencyjne”.

  • W palecie „Projekty referencyjne” w drzewie projektów kliknij na pasku narzędzi „Otwórz projekt referencyjny”.

    Otworzy się okno dialogowe „Otwórz projekt referencyjny”.

  • Navigate to the desired project folder and open the project file or project archive.
    • Projekty TIA Portal V16 mają rozszerzenie „.ap 16”. Starsze projekty Portalu TIA mają rozszerzenie „.ap [numer wersji]”.
    • Archiwa projektu TIA Portal V16 mają rozszerzenie „.zap 16”. Starsze archiwa projektów TIA Portal mają rozszerzenie „.zap [numer wersji]”.
    • Projekty z kontekstu Multiuser Engineering mają rozszerzenie „.als 16”.
    • Sesje lokalne z kontekstu Inżynierii Multiuser mają zakończenie „…_ LS.als 16”.
    • Lokalne sesje z kontekstu Exclusive Engineering mają zakończenie „…_ ES.als 16”.
  • Click "Open".

    The selected project or project archive will be opened as a read-only reference project.

Closure of the reference project

To close the reference project, follow these steps:

  1. W palecie „Projekty referencyjne” w drzewie projektów wybierz projekt referencyjny, który chcesz zamknąć.
  2. Kliknij „Zamknij projekt referencyjny” na pasku narzędzi.

    The selected reference project is closed.

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Comparison of reference projects


Devices from reference projects can be compared both with devices from the current project and from the same or another reference project or library.


Please note the following:

  • Actions cannot be specified for comparison objects because reference projects are write-protected.
  • You can perform a detailed comparison of comparison objects if the type of comparison object generally allows a detailed comparison.
  • When comparing reference projects, you can always switch between automatic and manual comparison.


To compare the objects of the reference project with the device data in the current project, perform the following steps:

  1. In the project tree, select the device whose data you want to compare with that of the reference project and which enables offline/offline comparison.
  2. Z menu skrótów wybierz polecenie „Porównaj > Offline/offline”.

    The comparison editor opens and the selected device is displayed in the left-hand area.

  3. Otwórz paletę „Projekty referencyjne” w drzewie projektu.
  4. Select the device from the reference project that you want to compare with the device data from the current project.
  5. Drag the device from the reference design to the right-hand drop area of the comparison editor.

    The status of objects can be identified by the symbols in the status and action area. When an object is selected, the properties of the object and the corresponding object of the assigned device are clearly visible in the property comparison.

    At any time, you can drag other devices from the current project, library or reference point into the drop areas to start a new comparison. It does not matter which device you drag into the drop area.

  6. If necessary, make a detailed comparison of the objects for which this type of comparison is possible.

Możesz rozpocząć szczegółowe porównanie bezpośrednio z projektu referencyjnego dla bloków, tagów PLC i typów danych PLC. Dodatkowe informacje można znaleźć w rozdziale „Porównanie programów PLC”.

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Author of entries
Tomasz Gilewski

Hello, my name is Tomasz Gilewski. I am the author of books on the S7-1200 controller and HMI panels (i.e. Siemens hardware). I have been programming exclusively on Siemens hardware and engineering tools for several years.

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